Champions aren't made in the gyms.

Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision.

Muhammad Ali

Fitness is my Lifestyle

It’s no coincidence I’m working as a fitness coach. Ever since I was a child, I’ve been doing different kinds of sport. It all started with track and field. I was several-times champion, Berlin record-holder, and runner up German champion in 110 meters hurdles. I was both member of the German athletic team and military athlete. My sports experience has taught me that regular training sessions and a healthy diet are the key ingredients for building an awesome body and a strong self-confidence. They are essential for a dynamic, sporty life. Apart from this, they also help you in reaching your goals and discovering new possibilities. We all know that life’s a lot easier for physically attractive people. I have done it, and I want to help you get in shape. Your perception of your own body will certainly change. I will show you how to burn fat, and how to build the six-pack, broad shoulders, and killer abs you want.

Fitness, nutrition, and an awesome appearance are my passion and my lifestyle at the same time. I have turned my lifestyle into my career - and I know all the secrets.

I’m in top form. Are you?

I have developed my workout and my diet out of the knowledge I gained as a top athlete, my training as a coach, and my work as a personal trainer