Alex Maass’ Power Nutrition Plan

The ones who think of effective musle building, do not automatically think of a nutrition plan. In order to get a shredded body, most people opt for weightlifting in the gym. This is indeed important, but in order to really change something, you also have to change your eating habits. Alex Maass from Berlin knows this from his many years of experience as a personal trainer. That’s why he has developed a workout concept in which both the workout and the nutrition plan form the basis. In order to keep his customers motivated, he offers the 69 Days Star Workout. That way, you form your body professionally.

Alex sees himself as a coach who is more than just a personal trainer. He is motivator, nutrition counselor and personal trainer at the same time. Alex supports you with our daily workout plan and gives you valuable advice when it comes to your daily nutrition plan. Through this combination, Alex’ customers are highly motivated and learn how to cross their borders. Nothing’s impossible! Alex doesn’t allow you to be lazy, because muscles don’t grow by themselves. In the 69 Days Star Workout, the customers learn how to discipline themselves – and receive their well earned reward. There’s no dream body without the right nutrition plan!